Flames of Passion


Feb 18, 2013

Love… Nothing new to see here.
But i just want to remind myself about love.
That love, sometimes can be a mirage.
It tricks us into thinking that we are in love with someone
but in fact we are utterly oblivious to the truth.

Former flames or flames that seek to reconnect.
they are prone to the fallacy
of loving the person who they knew before
and not the person in the present.
Such a fallacy is committed usually when people
can’t let go of the past or can’t accept that people change.

Burning flames, young and old, are open to the dangers
of committing the fallacy of loving one’s idea of the person
and not who the person really is.
Lovers of the brightest flame always want to be the best.
They try to project an image of themselves to their partners
so that the flame burns on.
But the brightness of the flame might be blinding you
and the image if your lover might be far from the truth.

Dying flames, these are still open to danger.
They are in danger of committing the tragic fallacy of
loving our hopes for our diminishing relationship.
During dire times we try our best to stay positive
and dying flames may fool us into loving the hope
that our partners will change for the relationship.

And the extinguished flame of a spent match…
The fallacy of confusing hope from hopeless.

6 things about me

october 3, 2012

this is something i got from a miss panalyah here in wordpress. i cant remember how i found her blog here but it was really a good read for me and the questions were not your typical questions like how friendster used to be. so i was inspired to answer also. :)

1. What kind of women do you attract?
im not sure if i am able to attract a certain “kind” of woman or if i attract women at all. modesty aside, i feel i am able to attract women who want something different in their lives. something different but still dependible. i feel i’m that kind of guy. someone who brings something different to the table but the essentials like respect, being a gentleman and other things like that are still there. i’m not the macho alpha male type of person and i never wanted to be. but i feel that when i’m with someone, they will still feel safe. did i answer the question? haha


2. Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
not to offened anyone here, but i’m pro-choice. eversince i was young. and let me define what pro-choice for me is. it is the mother being able to have her unborn child aborted without question. i dont care if the reason is medical, financial, emotional and what have you. it shouldnt matter. because in sex, intercourse, lovemaking and fucking, no questions were asked. the mother has the right to choose whether she will have a baby or not. and if she gets pregnant accidentally, she should be able to choose not to have it. i feel the urge to have sex is innate to everyone and the ability to control this urge differs from person to person. meaning, sex is something that everybody must, will and will always have. but having a baby and a family is another thing. it should be another choice.

3. If you had a child, what would you like it’s gender to be? What would you name it?
as of this moment, i have no urge to have children. i’m scared of the future. my parents were able to provide me with everything and if i will be able to bear a child, i want to be able to provide him with the best as my parents did for us. hmm… if i would have a child, i feel i want to have a daughter when she is still young. maybe up to 6 years old, girls would be cute. :p and i would name her annie. but if i were to have a boy, i want to name him something like alexander. something that sounds strong.

4. If you had a choice to be anyone else who would you be and why?
hmm… maybe i would want to become a powerful religious leader. not that i adhere to any religious faith or anything like that, i just like the power to influence people in the way they think, the way they percieve life. political power is different from this. i think political power is sort of forcing people to obey you because of law and the theory of social exchange. religious power is just obeying the person on top of the totem pole. people who adhere to a certain religeous belief do not look at the rationale, they just accept it just because. faith.

5. If you could pick 3 values as a life mantra, what would they be and why?
mantra? what is a mantra? but based on the answers of miss panalyah, i’ll assume what a mantra means.

the first is passion. i believe that we must live a life where we are passionate about things. whatever your passion is, the important thing is that you are passionate about something. whether it be photography, blogging, your faith, fashion, politics, teaching, the important thing is that you are passionate about something. i may not agree with some of the things you are passionate about like fashion and things like that, i’m not really a fashionable person but i respect a person who is passionate about something. why i like people who are passionate about something? because i dont like people who are like just, whatever. people say i love music, but when you ask them, what kind of music, they would just say what ever i hear… haha

next is respect. simple as that. respect people WHO ARE RESPECTABLE. respect is something earned. it is not hard to earn respect. you just have to live a respectable life. give respect, earn respect. simple

last? i guess we have to try things. we must not be scared to do new things. especially while we are young. we must try new things. if we want to learn to cook, to bake, to skate, to swim, to have sex, to smoke, to drink. whatever our poison is, we have to try it. i hope i’ll never have the feeling that before i die, i want to do something more or i was not able to try something because i was scared or i convinced myself not to try something…


there are more questions and i’ll try to answer them next time. :D